Five Elements Geomancy

Geomancy, more commonly known as feng shui, has been a popular form of the esoteric arts from the earliest times. In Chinese Daoist philosophy, the sky, the earth and Man have an interactive, co-dependent relationship. The changes of fortunes that Man is subjected to are found also in the cosmos. Geomancy is the study of the positioning of the positive (good) force fields and the negative (bad) force fields. If one would live and work in places where the positive force field is strong, one would reap the benefits of “good luck,” good health and everything one does would seem to proceed much more smoothly.

The core study of geomancy is to direct people in their choice of homes, workplaces and burial sites. A close study of the directions of the wind and the running water in the vicinity of a home or grave enables the geomancer to determine the fortunes of the residents of the house or the family of the deceased. The ancient scholars explained the art of geomancy in this way, “Qi rides the wind and scatters, but is retained when encountering water. Gathering qi, preventing it from scattering, and stopping it from flowing away, this is the purpose of feng shui.” Traditionally, geomancers are hired to determine either the feng shui of a residence or of a burial site. The former is known as “yang” feng shui and the latter, “yin” feng shui.

Yang feng shui applies to all kinds of human structures, from the sites of cities and villages, palaces, temples to commercial offices and private residences. It really is a way of choosing where one works and lives and the management of these specific environments. This may involve the direction the structure faces, its elevation, entrances and exits, and the interior decoration. It also takes into account the flow of any rivers in the vicinity and the movement of the positive force field within the area.

Yin feng shui covers a less extensive field. It applies mainly to the choice of burial sites and placement of tombs. Looking for the dragon, surveying the topography, observing the flow of streams and determining the grave site are the essential steps in the choice of a burial site.

The “dragon” in feng shui refers to mountain ranges that undulate and give the impression of a dragon in flight.

The best sites are those where smaller mountains surround the central mountain peak (the “dragon”) like stars that surround and attend the moon. Traditionally, the “dragon” symbolizes the emperor who is encircled and protected by his generals and ministers who are, in feng shui terms, the surrounding mountains. There must be harmony in the topography for a site to be considered ideal.

Geomancers believe that water is the source of qi, mountains and water are interdependent. The rivers and the mountains must play complementary roles so that each is improved by association with the other.

In geomancy, it is believed that where the ground is slightly depressed or raised is where qi accumulates. This is the ideal site for a grave. Geomancers believe that “the perfect site is where the mountain and the river converge, and where yin and yang cohere.”

This is a brief introduction to the theories of feng shui. Although to this day, these theories continue to lack the support of scientific evidence (thus making it impossible for geomancy to be considered a mainstream study); it is in no way different from situations where medical scientists have continued to treat certain illnesses even though they are still uncertain about the causes of these illnesses. Often, it is through animal testing followed by human testing that means for controlling certain diseases are found. The same is true of geomancy. Although it is not yet possible to provide the scientific proof, it is, nevertheless, a way to improve our homes and its surroundings. There is no reason why one should not take advantage of it.

The ultimate goal of any branch of study has to be the improvement of the quality of life, or there will be no value in its continued existence. The same applies to geomancy. In addition, it must also move with the times and, without changing its core principles, adjust to the reality of the changing ways of life so that it can attain its goal of improving the quality of life. All other talk about changing one’s fortunes with feng shui is mere quackery practiced by charlatans.

Feng shui is knowledge that has been passed down through the ages. Having gone through the filter of science, it has become a natural part of our lives. It is not superstition but an ancient eastern branch of learning for elevating the quality of life.

Five Elements Geomancy is a Daoist study. Its main contents include inquiry, observation, sensing and distinguishing qi. Qigong training (yitian qiji xuangong gongfa 易天氣機玄功功法) is one of the principal areas of study. Other areas include using the luopan compass, studying the positions of the nine stars according to the principle of the five elements, and using feng shui principles in interior design.

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