Children’s Kung Fu Programs

Following natural growth stages, our Children’s Kung Fu Program develops positive physical, mental, emotional and social attributes. Starting as young as five, children learn respect and discipline in a fun, safe environment. Parents are encouraged to get involved and take an active role in their child’s learning.

Download: Curriculum Outline PDF


A Well-Rounded Education

Our Children’s Kung Fu Program includes total physical development training, and materials from classical kung fu styles. It also includes health-development exercises, cultural activities such as lion dance.

Learning Kung Fu also includes mental, emotional, and social development. Kids can contribute and participate in a wide variety of activities outside the training hall, including:

  • Children’s Edition Newsletter
  • Tournament Participation
  • Children’s Kung Fu Demo Team
  • Children’s Kung Fu Lion Team
  • Other Children’s Activities

The Benefits

An uneducated observer might see various Kung Fu exercises and forms as inconsequential, much the same as holding a single piece of a puzzle does not reveal the finished picture.

However, the benefits of regular Kung Fu practice are indisputable. For a young child, this gives them a head start in the critical years of development and growth. Like building a house brick by brick, the importance of each piece in the child’s foundation becomes clearly apparent.

By helping your child to commit to positive learning, your helping to build a foundation of strength, humility, respect, self-discipline and cooperation that will carry them through to adulthood.

For more information, please see the curriculum outlines for the Children’s Kung Fu Program.

Additional Learning Opportunities for Children